Thought my days of schooling were done and then one day in blew Gaia, a wonderfully flamboyant young lady who came to visit my studio to kill some time and then fell in love with my sculptures…..
Well….what a breath of fresh air she is!!…
She’s blown all the cobwebs out of my attic and voila two & a half months later here I am a Post Graduate Student at UNSW A & D (COFA) doing my Master of Arts by Course Works degree with one Distinction under my belt…..
Yes you heard me right and no I’m not on drugs (well other than the ones that are supposed to be busy killing off my cancer)…. Who would have believed it!!!
I’m branching out in all sorts of directions and exhibiting all over the place and working in all sorts of new mediums - bronze, plasticine, wax, acrylic etc. So much fun and so busy!